(set #msg_welcome "This script will update prometheus.library to 1.49 version. Now the library is placed in LIBS: directory and BindDrivers command is no longer used to initialize the Prometheus.")
(set #msg_copylib "Copying prometheus.library 1.49 to LIBS:.")
(set #msg_deleteold "Deleting old prometheus.library from SYS:Expansion.")
(if (= @language "polski")
(set #msg_welcome "Ten skrypt zaktualizuje prometheus.library do wersji 1.49. Od tej wersji biblioteka umieszczona jest w katalogu LIBS:, a komenda BindDrivers nie jest juû uûywana.")
(set #msg_copylib "Kopiujë prometheus.library 1.49 do LIBS:.")
(set #msg_deleteold "Kasujë starâ prometheus.library z SYS:Expansion.")